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Rise and Shine KSA


في رايز أند شاين للعزل والوقاية من الحرائق ذ.م.م، نحن نساير أعمالنا التجارية مع أهداف الرؤية الوطنية للمملكة العربية السعودية لعام 2030. نحن نلتزم بتحسين الأوضاع في مجتمعاتنا وبيئتنا من أجل المستقبل.


كل مشروع نقوم به، يقوم فريق عملنا ذو الخبرة العالية بالعمل في إطار معايير الصناعة ومبادئها. وسواء كانت حاجتك كبيرة أو صغيرة، فنحن نستطيع تلبية الاحتياجات المتنوعة لعملائنا في الوقت المحدد وفي إطار الميزانية. ولدينا درجة عالية من الكفاءة في تقديم حلول مٌفصلة لاحتياجاتك المحددة.


منذ أن تأسسنا في عام ٢٠٠٦، كنا شريكًا موثوقًا به في مختلف القطاعات، وأصبح اسم رايز اند شاين للعزل و الوقاية من الحريق ذ.م.م مرادفًا لتقديم أفضل حلول الحماية من الحرائق والسلامة في المملكة العربية السعودية. وفيما يلي قائمة بمشاريع الحماية من الحرائق التي نفذناها بنجاح في مختلف الأبنية التجارية والسكنية والصناعية:


Capital Market Authority

Capital Market Authority

The Capital Market Authority of Saudi Arabia is the Saudi governments financial regulatory authority responsible for capital markets in Saudi Arabia. The CMA is a government organization applying full financial, legal, and administrative independence

Ministry of interior Headquarter  Jeddah

Ministry of interior Headquarter Jeddah

The Ministry of Interior is the Interior ministry of Saudi Arabia and is the responsible authority for national security, naturalization, immigration and customs in Saudi Arabia. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2016

Riyadh Metro Line 4

Riyadh Metro Line 4

The Riyadh Metro is a rapid transit system under construction in the city of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. It will consist of six metro lines spanning a total length of 176 kilometers, with 85 stations. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2017

TRSDC Coastal Village infrastructure

TRSDC Coastal Village infrastructure

Saudi-based The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) said infrastructure development work is currently under way at Coastal Village, a residential and commercial area that will house the workers and staff of The Red Sea Project. This Project order was awarded during the year 2020

KAFD P1.09

KAFD P1.09

The King Abdullah Financial District is a new development under construction near King Fahad Road in the Al Aqeeq area of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia being undertaken by the Rayadah Investment Corporation on behalf of the Pension Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2020.

Al Midra Tower

Al Midra Tower

This ARAMCO Project was awarded during the year of 2018

Riyadh Metro Line 1

Riyadh Metro Line 1

This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2017

Fadhili Industrial Support Facilities

Fadhili Industrial Support Facilities

This Project order was awarded during the year 2020

Dereyah BT Dewaa

Dereyah BT Dewaa

This Project order was awarded during the year 2019

Marjan GOSP

Marjan GOSP

Owned and operated by Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil and gas company Saudi Aramco, the offshore field is currently undergoing expansion under the Marjan Crude Increment Programme announced in 2017. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2017

Shaybah Combined cycle power generation project

Shaybah Combined cycle power generation project

This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2018

ICC Madinah

ICC Madinah

This Project order was awarded during the year 2015

Diwan Bulding

Diwan Bulding

The primary executive office of the king is the Royal Diwan. The king's principal advisers for domestic politics, religious affairs, and international relations have offices in the Royal Diwan. The king's private office also is in the Royal Diwan. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2019

Riyadh Metro Line 6

Riyadh Metro Line 6

The Riyadh Metro is a rapid transit system under construction in the city of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. It will consist of six metro lines spanning a total length of 176 kilometers, with 85 stations. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2017

Madinah Haji City

Madinah Haji City

Madinah, is one of the three holiest cities in Islam and the capital of the Medina Region of Saudi Arabia. The 2020 estimated population of the city is 1,488,782,making it the fourth-most populous city in the country. This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2016

Shaybah Support Facilities

Shaybah Support Facilities

This Project order was awarded to Rise & Shine during the year 2016

fibreglass lining concrete pool

في رايز اند شاين، نقدم حلولًا متقدمة لمكافحة الحرائق ولسلامة عملائنا في السعودية. نعمل مع عملائنا لتحقيق أهدافهم في مكافحة الحرائق بسلام للحفاظ على الحيوات والممتلكات واستمرارية الشركة مقابل أفضل قيمة. علاوة على ذلك، تتوافق رؤيتنا مع رؤية السعودية لعام 2030 للعمل من أجل تنمية القطاع العام وخلق مستقبل مستدام.

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